Flamingos Coffee Bar

Just steps away from the beach, Flamingos Coffee Bar (27 B St., Hampton, 910-5647, flamingoscoffeebar.com) is a new spot for specialty crafted coffees, espresso drinks and locally sourced breakfast sandwiches and baked goods. Owner and founder MacKenzie Logan of Hampton Falls said she came across the vacant space on the corner of B Street and Ashworth Avenue late last year, deciding to “take the plunge” after realizing its size and location were both perfect for a coffee bar. Its name and concept were inspired by the design of other coffee shops she has visited in seaside cities like San Diego and Miami — a “beach vibe” featuring bright, vibrant colors. Coffees are available both hot or iced, with beans sourced from South America and Rwanda, Africa, and roasted at Flight Coffee Co. in Bedford. There is also a full line of espresso drinks, as well as regular or nitro cold brew on tap, smoothies and a rotating selection of craft beers. Foods include breakfast and lunch sandwiches, vegan craft doughnuts, bagels and banana breads, all of which are sourced locally. The Scene recently caught up with Logan to talk about Flamingos Coffee Bar and some of her personal favorite options.

How long has Flamingos Coffee Bar been around?

Memorial Day weekend was our grand opening. I actually signed the papers for this place on New Year’s Eve, and then we started renovations right away.

What makes Flamingos Coffee Bar unique?

We’re unique in the sense that we have a full espresso bar with five seats, so you can sit down and have a true experience of watching the barista make an espresso drink right in front of you. I don’t think there’s another place like that on the beach. … We are what I like to call a one-stop shop for the best flavors of the Seacoast, so we carry bagels from Best Bagel of Seabrook, we have ice cream from Memories in Kingston, and we have doughnuts from Lovebirds in Kittery, Maine. … We also have affogato, which is easy to make but hard to find. It’s basically an espresso drink with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I discovered it when I went to Italy a couple of summers ago.

What is your personal favorite menu item?

I have to go with the cafe mocha. We whisk pure chocolate into our espresso as soon as it is brewed, so you get that pure chocolate taste throughout the whole drink.

What is something that everyone should try?

We have a smoothie on our menu called the Rise and Shine, and everyone who tries it comes back for another. It’s made with espresso, banana, chocolate protein powder, peanut butter and one scoop of vanilla ice cream. It’s a filling and delicious way to start the morning.

What celebrity would you like to see visiting Flamingos Coffee Bar?

Taylor Swift. … It’s funny, we have an all-female staff here and we all found that we have a shared passion for Taylor Swift. It has been a super fun way to get to know one another as a team.

What is an essential skill to running a coffee bar?

Just being able to roll with the punches. You have to always be able to face adversity and keep going about your day.

What is your favorite thing about being on the Seacoast?

The proximity of the beach, and being able to watch the sunset or sunrise over the ocean. I don’t think it gets any better than that.

— Matt Ingersoll

Photo Credit: Courtesy photo.


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