Flamingos Coffee Bar
While we make great syrup, we are best known for our maple cream and maple candy. We have an avid following of customers not only in New Hampshire but all over the country. We also make maple sugar, maple bricks and maple taffy, not often found at many sugar houses. We have an assorted complement of maple specialty products for our customers to try out.

Vernon Family Farm
While we make great syrup, we are best known for our maple cream and maple candy. We have an avid following of customers not only in New Hampshire but all over the country. We also make maple sugar, maple bricks and maple taffy, not often found at many sugar houses. We have an assorted complement of maple specialty products for our customers to try out.

Flor de Café
What makes the Piping Plover Baking Co. unique?
That it’s just simple, honest baking. There is nothing decorative or ornate about anything that I do. It’s just simple and pure, and the whole reason I keep it that way is just to bring happiness to people, to put a smile on their faces. That’s all I really want. A lot of people that I bake for don’t always

Cider Hill Farm
While we make great syrup, we are best known for our maple cream and maple candy. We have an avid following of customers not only in New Hampshire but all over the country. We also make maple sugar, maple bricks and maple taffy, not often found at many sugar houses. We have an assorted complement of maple specialty products for our customers to try out.

Juicery Pops
What makes the Piping Plover Baking Co. unique?
That it’s just simple, honest baking. There is nothing decorative or ornate about anything that I do. It’s just simple and pure, and the whole reason I keep it that way is just to bring happiness to people, to put a smile on their faces. That’s all I really want. A lot of people that I bake for don’t always

Julie’s Happy Hens
While we make great syrup, we are best known for our maple cream and maple candy. We have an avid following of customers not only in New Hampshire but all over the country. We also make maple sugar, maple bricks and maple taffy, not often found at many sugar houses. We have an assorted complement of maple specialty products for our customers to try out.

The Modern Butcher
What makes the Piping Plover Baking Co. unique?
That it’s just simple, honest baking. There is nothing decorative or ornate about anything that I do. It’s just simple and pure, and the whole reason I keep it that way is just to bring happiness to people, to put a smile on their faces. That’s all I really want. A lot of people that I bake for don’t always

Heron Pond Farm
While we make great syrup, we are best known for our maple cream and maple candy. We have an avid following of customers not only in New Hampshire but all over the country. We also make maple sugar, maple bricks and maple taffy, not often found at many sugar houses. We have an assorted complement of maple specialty products for our customers to try out.

Swell Oyster Shack
What makes the Piping Plover Baking Co. unique?
That it’s just simple, honest baking. There is nothing decorative or ornate about anything that I do. It’s just simple and pure, and the whole reason I keep it that way is just to bring happiness to people, to put a smile on their faces. That’s all I really want. A lot of people that I bake for don’t always

Folsom’s Sugar House
While we make great syrup, we are best known for our maple cream and maple candy. We have an avid following of customers not only in New Hampshire but all over the country. We also make maple sugar, maple bricks and maple taffy, not often found at many sugar houses. We have an assorted complement of maple specialty products for our customers to try out.

Piping Plover Baking Co.
What makes the Piping Plover Baking Co. unique?
That it’s just simple, honest baking. There is nothing decorative or ornate about anything that I do. It’s just simple and pure, and the whole reason I keep it that way is just to bring happiness to people, to put a smile on their faces. That’s all I really want. A lot of people that I bake for don’t always

Fox Point Oysters
Meet farmer Jeff Backer and sausage maker Dave Viola of Short Creek Farm in Northwood
Who we are: We have been friends since high school, and we realized about 10 years ago that there was a demand for high-quality and creative meat products made from local pasture-raised pork and grass-fed beef. In 2015, we s

Chubba Wubba’s Sweets & Refreshments
A fast casual eatery with a uniquely retro feel, Earl’s Steak Sandwiches is the latest venture of husband and wife duo Jim Donovan and Maureen “Mo” Cox, along with their son Ryan. According to Cox, the family had been operating a food truck in York, Maine, last summer when a regular customer recommended they check out a recently turned vacant restaurant space just over the state line in Dover.

Coastal arts events
Meet farmer Jeff Backer and sausage maker Dave Viola of Short Creek Farm in Northwood
Who we are: We have been friends since high school, and we realized about 10 years ago that there was a demand for high-quality and creative meat products made from local pasture-raised pork and grass-fed beef. In 2015, we s

Backyard Garlic
Meet farmer Jeff Backer and sausage maker Dave Viola of Short Creek Farm in Northwood
Who we are: We have been friends since high school, and we realized about 10 years ago that there was a demand for high-quality and creative meat products made from local pasture-raised pork and grass-fed beef. In 2015, we s

Cartelli’s North End Pizza & Pasta
A fast casual eatery with a uniquely retro feel, Earl’s Steak Sandwiches is the latest venture of husband and wife duo Jim Donovan and Maureen “Mo” Cox, along with their son Ryan. According to Cox, the family had been operating a food truck in York, Maine, last summer when a regular customer recommended they check out a recently turned vacant restaurant space just over the state line in Dover.

Short Creek Farm
Meet farmer Jeff Backer and sausage maker Dave Viola of Short Creek Farm in Northwood
Who we are: We have been friends since high school, and we realized about 10 years ago that there was a demand for high-quality and creative meat products made from local pasture-raised pork and grass-fed beef. In 2015, we s

Bingo rocks
Musical Bingo Nation is changing bingo’s sound all across the Seacoast — rather than listening for “B2” or “G6,” players listen for the opening chords to “Never Gonna Give You Up,” “Sweet Caroline” or other songs on their bingo sheet.
On Tuesdays at Tailgate Tavern in Stratham, anyone who wants to play gets a free bingo card when they’re seated. Throughout the night, gues

Earl’s Steak Sandwiches
A fast casual eatery with a uniquely retro feel, Earl’s Steak Sandwiches is the latest venture of husband and wife duo Jim Donovan and Maureen “Mo” Cox, along with their son Ryan. According to Cox, the family had been operating a food truck in York, Maine, last summer when a regular customer recommended they check out a recently turned vacant restaurant space just over the state line in Dover.